Canvas and Converter App
Enhanced Rubrics in Canvas can be bulk downloaded. This format cannot be directly read by Project Based Assessment, but the data can be converted.
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Enhanced Rubrics in Canvas can be bulk downloaded. This format cannot be directly read by Project Based Assessment, but the data can be converted.
Last updated
Canvas, the most common learning management system in higher education, has recently released Enhanced Rubrics (ER). With ER, rubric row data can be downloaded from the Canvas gradebook as a CSV. If your institution has enabled ER, you can follow Canvas' instructions to download the rubric CSV for a given assignment.
The CSV created by Canvas cannot be directly read by Project Based Assessment. However, we have released a small converter web application that can be used to create a CSV for Project Based Assessment from the Canvas export.
Above is the opening screen for the converter application. Using the "Choose File" dialog, select the CSV file you exported from Canvas.
The converter app will attempt to determine the structure of the rubric based on the selected file. However, as the Canvas created file only contains student markings, if a rubric criterion box is never used, the converter will not know it exists. In these cases, the values in the interface above will need to be adjusted to account for the missing box. Once the k values are set, click the "Map Criteria to k Values" and a new CSV will be exported.
Like the main application, this converter runs entirely on the client side. That is, no data is sent to a server to make this conversion.