Data and Estimation

This section will describe the data you will need to provide ProjectAssessment.App such that it can perform an estimation

Introduction and Data Files

In education, we often grade artifacts using a rubric. Rubrics are made up of a series of rows grading some aspect of the artifact's quality. For instance, consider the following rubric row grading the quality of a literature review.

In this example there are four possible boxes starting with no credit and ending with full credit. One can think of each one of these boxes as a trial. That is, if a student's paper was scored in the second box from the left, that means the paper survived one trial. If they scored in the third box from the left, they survived two trials. The final box indicates they survived at least three trials. However, they could have survived more; some students will perform (or could perform) substantially better than others who earned full credit (in essence, the top box is censored).

The number of successful trials (indicated with the "k" values in the header), translates to the data you can provide this web application. Here is an example table:

Here "k" is the number of trials, or the student's score, on a given rubric row. "Bound" is the maximum number of observed trials or maximum possible score on a given rubric row. "Student" and "rubric" are identifiers for the students and rubric rows. In the example above numbers are used to identify students and rubric rows. However, that is not necessary. The identifiers simply need to be unique to each student/rubric.

Example Data Files

To get you started, there are three sample data files available: small.csv (5 students, 3 rubric rows), medium.csv (24 students, 3 rubric rows), large.csv (62 students, 8 rubric rows). A zip file containing all three CSV files is also available. To start exploring the program, drag one of these files to the empty box on the ProjectAssessment.App. When you start making your own files, make sure to save them as a CSV -- a format available to all spreadsheet applications.

Mapping Data File Columns for Analysis

In the above image, the application is asking for a mapping between the columns in the provided file and their meaning. If you use the columns "k", "bound", "student", and "rubric" these will be mapped for you. Once the mapping is correct, click "Save mapping." This will start the estimation.

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